How to Deal With Ulcers Caused by Braces

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If your orthodontist in Hollywood recommended braces and you develop conflicting emotions about it, you’re not alone. Wearing rough and bulky metal braces isn’t exactly something people want to experience, but if you desire an attractive smile and a healthy mouth, you’ll have to brave it out.  

We’re not going to lie – wearing braces can be uncomfortable. It can also lead to the development of mouth ulcers.  Ulcers form when your brackets' rough texture rubs against your mouth's soft tissues for an extended period. Without treatment, the sores will worsen and could result in an infection.

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How Do You Treat Ulcers Caused by Braces?

Taking Pain Relievers

Mouth ulcers can cause discomfort. You can alleviate the pain by taking over-the-counter pain relievers. Examples of OTC pain medications are ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen. However, you must take them as indicated on the label. Also, make sure to read the warnings.  

Rinsing With Saltwater

According to Isak Dinesen, a renowned Danish author, “the cure for anything is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea.” Interestingly, salt water can help cure mouth ulcers caused by braces too! If you don’t prefer to take pain medications, you can go all natural by creating your saltwater solution. Just mix half a teaspoon of salt with one cup of warm water. Swish it in your mouth for 30 seconds, and then rinse. Saltwater is said to minimize swelling and pain.  

Using Antibacterial Rinses

Gargling antibacterial or antiseptic mouthwash containing hydrogen peroxide can help keep your mouth ulcers clean, thereby preventing infection.  

Placing Tea Bag on The Area

Did you know that you could place a warm and soaked tea bag on the area to relieve pain and reduce swelling? Studies show that tea bags contain natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

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Contact Our Orthodontist in Hollywood Today About Mouth Ulcers

Do you have mouth ulcers? If you need help, we’re here for you. At TLC Dental, we strive to meet your needs by delivering superior quality treatments tailored to your specific concerns. Our team has years of experience and training to assist you in preventing and treating mouth ulcers caused by wearing braces. Contact us today for a reservation.

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