Understanding the Different Types of Dental Misalignment

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Dental misalignment, also known as malocclusion, is a common issue that affects many people. It refers to the improper alignment of teeth and jaws, which can impact oral health and aesthetics. Fortunately, orthodontic treatments, such as braces in Tamarac, offer effective solutions for correcting dental misalignment.  

close up of misaligned teeth in need of Braces Tamarac

Common Types of Dental Misalignment


An overbite occurs when the upper front teeth significantly overlap the lower front teeth. This can result in an imbalanced bite and potentially lead to jaw pain or difficulty chewing. Braces can be employed to gradually shift the position of the teeth, aligning the bite and achieving a more harmonious relationship between the upper and lower jaw.


In an underbite, the lower teeth protrude beyond the upper teeth when the jaws are closed. This misalignment can affect speech, chewing, and overall facial appearance. Braces and other orthodontic techniques can help correct an underbite by gradually guiding the teeth and jaws into their proper positions.


Crowding occurs when the mouth has insufficient space for all the teeth to fit properly. This can result in teeth overlapping or twisting, leading to difficulties in oral hygiene and an increased risk of dental issues. Braces can align the teeth by creating space, gradually moving them into ideal positions, and addressing the crowding concerns.

The Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic interventions, such as braces, benefit individuals with dental misalignment. These include:

  • Improved Oral Health: Straighter teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: Orthodontic treatment can transform smiles, boosting confidence and self-esteem.
  • Better Bite Function: Correcting misalignment improves bite functionality, leading to more comfortable chewing and reduced strain on the jaw joints
woman getting ready for her Braces Tamarac

Interested in Braces in Tamarac?

Dental misalignment can have a significant impact on oral health and overall well-being. By understanding the different types of misalignments and the benefits of orthodontic treatment, individuals can make informed decisions about pursuing braces or other orthodontic interventions.  

At TLC Dental, we provide personalized orthodontic care tailored to each patient's needs. Contact us today for a consultation and take the first step towards achieving a straighter, healthier smile.

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