Family Dentist in Ft Lauderdale | Oral Health Tips for the Whole Family

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Your family’s oral health goes hand in hand with their general health. Therefore, in order to keep your family happy and healthy, it’s crucial to make oral hygiene a priority. Below are a few tips on how to achieve optimum oral health for the entire family. If you are in need of a family Dentist in Ft Lauderdale, contact our office today!

Encourage a Healthy Diet

You can help your whole family’s oral health by encouraging a healthy diet that’s full of teeth friendly foods. Include foods that are high in protein and calcium and avoid an excessively sugary diet. If your family drinks a lot of soda or eats a lot of high sugar snacks, consider swapping them out for healthier options such as water and fruits and vegetables.

Drink Water That Contains Fluoride

Fluoride is an essential part of protecting your teeth from tooth decay and cavities. Most tap water contains fluoride. Choosing to drink tap water is a good way to ensure that your family is getting the appropriate amount of fluoride. If you use a filtration system on your tap water, choose a filter that doesn't filter out your water's fluoride.

Who is the best Family Dentist in Ft Lauderdale ?

Are You Looking for a Family Dentist in Ft Lauderdale?

Have you and your family been neglecting your oral health? Our team knows exactly what it takes to maintain stellar oral health. So, if you’re in need of a family Dentist in Ft Lauderdale, contact us today to schedule a reservation! Achieve a beautiful smile today!

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