Family Dentist in Ft Lauderdale | 3 Dental Hygiene Tips for Children

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As a parent, your children’s health should always be a priority, oral health should be no exception. If your children’s teeth aren’t properly taken care of it can lead to infection, disease, or other teeth issues. Below are three tips for keeping your children’s teeth and gums as healthy as possible. If you are in need of a family Dentist in Ft Lauderdale, contact our office today!

Incorporate Fluoride

Incorporating fluoride in your child’s oral health routine is an important part of fighting cavities, and strengthening enamel. Most drinking water contains fluoride. However, if your city water doesn’t contain fluoride, your child may need to take an oral fluoride supplement, or use toothpaste that contains fluoride.

Introduce Brushing and Flossing Early

Brushing and flossing should become a regular part of your child’s oral hygiene routine early on in life. Establishing proper oral hygiene habits in your child will benefit their long-term oral health.

Keep Your Child’s Sugar Intake Low

If your child’s diet consists of sugary snacks and sodas, they are more susceptible to cavities and tooth decay. Stick to a healthy, teeth friendly diet, in order for your child to have optimum oral health.

Where can I find a Family Dentist Ft Lauderdale ?

Do you need a Family Dentist in Ft Lauderdale?

Have you and your family been neglecting your oral health? Our team knows exactly what it takes to maintain stellar oral health. So, if you’re in need of a family Dentist in South Florida, contact us today to schedule a reservation! Achieve a beautiful smile today with our help!

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