Dentist in Dania Beach | Which Toothbrush Should I Use?

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Brushing your teeth is a daily necessity. But, sometimes the details pertaining to everyday health get overlooked. Between visiting a dentist in Dania Beach, here’s how to ensure you’re getting a good cleaning with the right toothbrush:

Which Bristles are Best?

Among professionals, it is commonly recommended to use soft bristle brushes. Hard brushing can result in tooth surface damage. And starting with a softer toothbrush can immediately alleviate some of that pressure. Also, you should not be pushing down hard on your teeth as you brush. Brushing is not a scrub!

Which Type of Handle?

The shape of your toothbrush is also important. You need a handle that is comfortable to use. So, a non-slip grip or flexible brush can be useful. Also, you should opt for a brush with a smaller head. This makes it a lot easier for you to reach all the nooks and crannies of your mouth to remove any and all plaque and bacteria!

what type of toothbrush would a dentist in dania beach recommend

What about Electric Brushes?

Electric brushes are a great option for many people! If you don’t have the dexterity to use a manual toothbrush with comfort, using an electric one may be for you. Also, they can help train users not to apply unnecessary pressure while brushing!

How Often Should I Replace?

If your tooth brush shows some wear (maybe the bristles are bending), or you’re about to hit the three-month mark, it’s time to swap! This will ensure that you’re getting the best cleaning and not hosting bacteria.

Looking for a Dentist in Dania Beach?

Brushing twice a day is essential, and so is seeing your dentist twice a year! At TLC Dental, we dedicate our time and expertise to providing the best care! So, if you’re looking for a dentist in Dania Beach, be sure to contact us today to make a reservation.

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