If you are missing teeth, dental implants are an effective solution that looks and function just like your natural teeth. Dental implants also don’t require any extra or special maintenance, which makes them extremely desirable for any patient that has lost their natural teeth. However, can anyone get a dental implant? Below are a few ways to determine if you are a candidate for dental implants. If you are in need of dental implants in Ft Lauderdale, contact our office today!
If you have lost your natural teeth, and are interested in dental implants as a tooth replacement option, you should know that certain scenarios can prevent you from being a candidate for dental implants. Anything from health issues to bad oral health can get in the way of you receiving a dental implant.
Certain patients are ideal candidates for dental implants. For example, if a patient has a strong jaw bone, or have a lot of bone in their jaw, they are a more ideal candidate for dental implants. It’s also a plus If you are a non-smoker.
Are you embarrassed or insecure about the gaps in your smile? You shouldn’t have to suffer from missing teeth anymore! If you are thinking about getting dental implants, come to see us at TLC Dental. So, Contact us today to learn more.