Cosmetic Dentist Coral Springs | What Type of Cosmetic Dental Procedure Is Right for Me?

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No matter how hard we try to nurture and protect our self-esteem, sometimes we can’t help but feel insecure whenever we see celebrities on television with their gorgeous set of teeth. Flawless and perfectly white, we look at our reflection in the mirror and we can’t even bring ourselves to smile because we can’t stand to see our yellow stained and broken teeth. Do you know that you can be just like them if you see your Cosmetic Dentist Coral Springs?

Tooth Bonding

If you are worried about cracked or chipped teeth or if tooth decay has already become evident then you can give tooth bonding a try. Tooth bonding can last up to ten years and it can instantly improve your look. A resin material will be applied on your damaged tooth. The color of the material resembles that of your natural teeth in order for it to blend right in. It will be molded and shaped into a real tooth and hardened under ultraviolet light. You can expect the procedure to be done in an hour.

Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are more or less the same with dental bonding as it makes your teeth symmetrical, beautiful and stronger. A dental professional will use a composite resin or porcelain to make your brand-new teeth. A part of your enamel will need to be removed to achieve a perfect fit. Some pieces of your original enamel will be placed on the front of your teeth to make it look more real.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are dental prosthetics used to conceal a damaged tooth or cover an implant. They can replace a filling; protect a brittle tooth or envelope a discolored tooth. This procedure will improve your smile and help make your teeth stronger.

Where is the best cosmetic dentist Coral Springs?

Looking for a Cosmetic Dentist Coral Springs?

When you are desperate to have your teeth fixed, you can count on cosmetic dentistry. At TLC Dental & Orthodontics, we offer a wide range of dental services at an affordable rate. Call us today to learn more.

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