Can Orthodontic Treatment Fail?

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You pay for your braces in North Lauderdale and endure the discomfort because you want to improve your smile and oral health. If this is the goal you have in mind, compliance is key. Although the treatment is guaranteed to work, it doesn’t mean it will work on you. It will only be effective if you cooperate and do your part. So yes, wearing braces does not guarantee that you’ll be able to meet your dental goals.  

Braces treatment in  North Lauderdale

What Causes Orthodontic Treatment Failure?

You Don’t Follow Directions

Before your treatment, your orthodontist will sit with you to discuss your treatment plan in great length and detail. You are expected to ask questions for clarity as well. One of the reasons why treatments fail is that patients do not follow simple directions.  

An example is your diet. When wearing braces, your orthodontist will tell you to stay away from hard and crunchy foods as they can break your wires and cause your brackets to come off. If your braces are damaged, and you don’t get them repaired immediately, the treatment is useless since your braces will not be able to move your teeth.  

You’re Not Wearing Your Retainers

Did you know that even if you’ve completed your treatment, your teeth can still shift and go back to being crooked? After your braces are off, your orthodontist will ask you to wear a retainer for a certain time. People who don’t wear their retainers long enough usually end up with crooked teeth making all their sacrifices useless.  

Patient at dentist office for braces North Lauderdale

Do You Have More Questions About Braces in North Lauderdale?

Braces have been around for a long time and are guaranteed to work, but they can be ineffective if you don’t follow your orthodontist's advice.  

At TLC Dental, we educate our patients so they can achieve beautiful smiles without treatment delays. We also use the latest methods, technology, and systems to create lasting, functional, beautiful smiles. We have a team dedicated to their craft, offering experience backed by training and certifications. Contact us today for a consultation.

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