Braces Coral Springs | Questions to Ask Your Orthodontist

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Crooked teeth are not only unsightly but they also compromise your dental health. When your teeth are not properly aligned you won’t be able to clean them properly which will make you susceptible to plaque formation, gum disease and possibly tooth loss. You can prevent all these from happening if you wear braces Coral Springs. You’ll understand the treatment better if you ask your orthodontist the following questions:

Can Adults Wear Braces?

Contrary to popular belief that only teens are allowed to wear braces, the fact is, adults can too! The good news is that there are many different types of braces to choose from. If you are not comfortable about wearing glaring metal braces you can opt for ceramic braces since they are less noticeable or Invisalign.

How Much Do Braces Cost?

Braces designed for children usually cost $5000. Meanwhile, adult braces can range between $5000 and $7000. This is not conclusive because orthodontist’s fees vary. However, a lot of orthodontists offer payment plans that make braces much more affordable.

How Long Must I Wait to See Results?

Generally, orthodontic treatment can last up to one to three years. How long you’re going to wear braces will depend on your condition and your compliance. If you don’t follow your orthodontist’s advice it will delay your treatment so instead of having to wear them for a year you’ll have no choice but to wait longer until your teeth reach their proper alignment. When you comply and show up during appointments the duration of your treatment will shorten.

who offers braces coral springs?

Looking for Braces Coral Springs?

During your initial consultation with your orthodontist make sure to ask all questions about braces Coral Springs. At TLC Dental & Orthodontics, we are committed to enhancing the quality of life while restoring self-assurance, rebuilding confident smiles, and encouraging both dental and medical wellness. Call us today for an appointment.

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