How often are you supposed to visit your dentist in Ft. Lauderdale? Dental visits fall on debatable ground because many assume that you should only book an appointment when there’s a problem. While it’s true that a dentist’s job is to restore your dental health, it’s also their job to protect you against oral health issues through patient education, regular oral exams, and routine teeth cleaning.
Every year thousands of Americans die of oral cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, an estimated 54,000 new cases of oral cancer are projected this year. Although an oral exam cannot prevent cancer, early detection means early treatment. When cancer is identified early, there’s a big chance it can be treated. When cancer is discovered late, it will metastasize.
Many people wonder why they still succumb to tooth decay and gum disease even though they brush and floss daily. When you visit your dentist, you will discover why through patient education.
Dentists not only treat you, but they are also obliged to educate you. Did you know that your efforts will be in vain if you use the wrong brushing and flossing techniques? This means you’ll still get tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease because plaque and tartar are not effectively removed from your mouth. Your dentist will teach you the proper way of cleaning your teeth and gums.
If you’re looking for an experienced and reliable dentist to take care of you, you’ve come to the right place. At TLC Dental & Orthodontics, we provide a wide range of dental services to help improve your oral health and enhance oral function. Our years in the industry have allowed us to provide superior quality dental service to all our patients. Click here to request a reservation.